Friday, January 4, 2013

Modal PT. Asuransi Bosowa Periskop siap di injeksi Rp. 100Milyar

JAKARTA --PT Asuransi Bosowa Periskop, perusahaan asuransi umum milik Bosowa Corporation menargetkan hingga akhir tahun 2013 mampu menambah modal hingga Rp100 miliar


"Akan tambah modal mudah-mudahan Rp100 miliar untuk menambah kapasitas," ujar Direktur Pemasaran Bosowa Periskop, Budi Herawan kepada Bisnis di kantornya, Rabu (2/1).


Budi menjelaskan penambahan modal tersebut murni akan berasal dari pemegang saham ditambah ekuitas yang ditahan pada 2013. Budi menyatakan belum ada rencana untuk melakukan merger  dalam waktu dekat.


Melalui penambahan modal tersebut, lanjutnya, perseroan menargetkan tahun depan bisa mencapai peringkat 15 besar perusahaan asuransi umum terbaik. Saat ini, diakui Budi, Bosowa Periskop masih bertengger di peringkat 40-an.


"Intinya kita siap masuk ke medium, mudah-mudahan bisa 15 besar, tapi kembali ke permodalan. Kita mau fight sampai Rp100 miliar modalnya," paparnya.


Selain penambahan modal, lanjutnya, Bosowa Periskop juga akan memperkuat dukungan dari sumber daya manusia dan teknologi informasi.  Di samping itu, kata Budi, perseroan juga akan mempersiapkan sistem yang kuat pada internal perusahaan dengan melakukan perbaikan manajemen.


Dengan penguatan kapasitas tersebut, kata Budi, Bosowa Periskop akan mulai merambah segmen bisnis korporasi yang selama ini belum digarap maksimal akibat keterbatasan permodalan.


“Ketika modal telah cukup dengan ditopang kinerja yang baik, kami akan mulai masuk ke segmen korporasi seperti lini bisnis konstruksi dan engineering,” terangnya.


Bosowa Periskop juga akan menggenjot perolehan premi dari captive market hingga 20% dari total premi pada tahun depan. Budi menilai peluang ini sangat terbuka terlebih karena pihaknya telah mendapat ijin dari pemegang saham. Sebelumnya, captive market yakni Bosowa Corporation kurang tergarap karena kapasitas permodalan perseroan masih terbatas untuk menangani proyek-proyek besar.


Saat ini posisi modal Bosowa Periskop telah mencapai Rp75 miliar setelah pada akhir tahun 2012 mendapat tambahan modal sebesar Rp 15 miliar. Dengan demikian, perseroan telah memenuhi ketentuan permodalan yang ditetapkan Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) bagi perusahaan asuransi yakni sebesar Rp 70 miliar pada akhir 2012.





Best Regards :

Selvi Aldriani – 0817.487.0850

R&D and Technical Advisor

PT. Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi






Perbaikan Jembatan Srondol - Tunggu Asuransi

SEMARANG, - Perbaikan jembatan penyeberangan di KM 13 jalan tol Banyumanik yang roboh akibat tersangkut muatan truk trailer masih menunggu klaim asuransi cair.

Ketinggian jembatan yang menghubungakan wilayah dua kelurahan di Kecamatan Banyumanik ini pun nantinya akan ditinggikan dari 4,2 meter menjadi 5,2 meter.

"Pihak asuransi masih proses melengkapi data-data untuk pencairan klaim. Terkait berkas-berkasnya, sudah kami kirimkan ke PT Asuransi Takaful," ujar Kepala Cabang PT Jasa Marga Semarang Sari Purnawarman, saat dihubungi, Rabu (2/1).

Meski tidak ada keharusan, lanjutnya, Jasa Marga mengasuransikan beberapa prasarana termasuk jembatan penyeberangan. Menurut Sari, klaim asuransi jembatan penyeberangan Srondol ini senilai Rp 500 juta. Sedangkan nilai konstruksinya sendiri, mencapai Rp 940 juta. 

Adapun biaya perbaikan yang masih belum tertutupi oleh asuransi nantinya menjadi tanggungan perusahaan pemilik truk trailer. Keputusan tersebut sudah disepakati bersama antara pihak asuransi dan perusahaan pemilik truk trailer tersebut.

"Mekanismenya, pihak asuransi nantinya akan menunjuk kontraktor yang akan melakukan perbaikan," imbuhnya.

Sari menegaskan, ketinggian jembatan penyeberangan 4,2 meter ini sesuai standar yang diatur dalam undang-undang. Meski begitu, untuk mengantisipasi agar kejadian serupa tidak terulang kembali maka jembatan tersebut akan ditinggikan menjadi 5.2 meter. 

Standar ketinggian jembatan penyeberangan ini telah disosialisasikan dalam kegiatan Temu Pelanggan Tol. Karena itu, dia meminta pihak Organda agar lebih menyosialisasikan hal itu pada pengemudi kendaraan berat.

Seperti diketahui, jembatan yang ambruk itu menghubungkan kampung Tanjungsari Kelurahan Sumurboto, Kecamatan Banyumanik dan Kelurahan Srondol Kidul, Kecamatan Banyumanik Semarang.

Pembangunan jembatan penyeberangan ini memang dimaksudkan untuk memudahkan warga dari dan menuju dua kampung tersebut.

( Hartatik / CN37 / JBSM )


Best Regards :

Selvi Aldriani – 0817.487.0850

R&D and Technical Advisor

PT. Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi






Korban BMW maut terima asuransi dalam bentuk tabungan

Sumber :

PT Jasa Raharja memberikan asuransi kecelakaan kepada keluarga Harun (57), korban tewas akibat kecelakaan maut di Tol Jagorawi yang melibatkan anak Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa, Rasyid Amirullah Rajasa. Asuransi senilai Rp 25 juta diterima istri korban, Umyanah (42) dan menantu korban, Ivan Hartanto (35).

Kepada istri korban, petugas PT Jasa Raharja langsung memberikan asuransi kecelakaan dalam bentuk tabungan di salah satu bank BUMN. Tabungan tercatat atas nama Umyanah.

"PT Jasa Raharja sesuai misi, membayarkan Rp 25 juta atas kecelakaan yang dialami bapak Harun," kata Kepala Cabang PT Jasa Raharja Banten Triyugara, seusai memberikan asuransi kecelakaan di rumah korban, Jalan Duri Baru gang RR RT 6 RW 6, Jembatan Lima, Jakarta Barat, Rabu (2/1).

Dia menambahkan, sebelumnya PT Jasa Raharja sudah memberikan asuransi kecelakaan kepada korban tewas lainnya, M Raihan (1,4).

Seusai menerima asuransi kecelakaan, Umyanah mengatakan akan menggunakan uang tersebut untuk keperluan diri dan anak-anaknya.

"Untuk keperluan keluarga, anak yang masih sekolah," ujarnya.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, menurut Direktur Utama Jasa Raharja, Budi Setyarso pihaknya telah melakukan survei kepada korban meninggal yang beralamat di Sukabumi dan Tangerang.

"Kecelakaan ini sudah terjamin di UU 33 & 34 tahun 1964, Petugas kami di sukabumi sudah survei kemarin, dan Tangerang juga. Pembayarannya hari ini," ungkap Budi dalam konfrensi pers di kantornya, Jakarta, Rabu (2/1).

Santunan yang akan dibayarkan perusahaan pelat merah tersebut juga berbeda-beda antara korban yang meninggal dunia dan korban yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Untuk korban meninggal, Jasa Raharja akan membayarkan Rp 25 juta.

"Akan dibayar hari ini juga. Santunannya Rp 25 juta untuk yang meninggal. Sedangkan korban dirawat rumah sakit maksimal Rp 10 juta," tutupnya.




Best Regards :

Selvi Aldriani – 0817.487.0850

R&D and Technical Advisor

PT. Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi






Wanita dibonceng menyamping, klaim asuransi bisa ditolak loh

Suber : detik Oto


Jakarta - Pemerintah Kota (Pemko) Lhokseumawe, Provinsi Aceh siap mengeluarkan peraturan yang melarang bagi perempuan duduk mengangkang saat diboncengi kaum laki-laki di sepeda motor, hanya boleh duduk menyamping. Bila hal ini dilakukan, maka ketika kecelakaan, bisa saja klaim asuransinya ditolak.

Pemko Lhokseumawe berencana hanya memperbolehkan para pembonceng wanita duduk menyamping ketika dibonceng menggunakan sepeda motor. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Kota (DPRK) atau DPRD pun siap mendukungnya.

Alasan pemangku kepentingan di Lhokseumawe, perempuan yang duduk mengangkang saat di sepeda motor berefek ketat sehingga membentuk tubuh yang tidak sesuai syariat Islam. Karena itu, perempuan disarankan agar lebih baik duduk menyamping.

Padahal, posisi duduk menyamping untuk wanita yang dibonceng bila dilihat dari sudut keselamatan amatlah tidak aman.

Di India, menurut pendiri dan instruktur Jakarta Defensive Driving Consulting (JDDC) Jusri Pulubuhu bahkan pernah ada klaim asuransi yang ditolak karena masalah ini.

"Ada kasus di India dimana asuransi menggagalkan klaim seorang wanita karena dia duduk salah, menyamping. Karena duduk dalam posisi itu, klaim asuransinya di tolak saat dia kecelakaan. Karena secara prosedur safety yang dibonceng dimana-mana tidak dibenarkan untuk duduk menyamping," jelas Jusri.

Jusri lalu menyarankan agar para pemangku kepentingan di Lhokseumawe juga memikirkan azas keselamatan bagi para wanita itu disamping masalah adat dan syariat Islam.

Negeri yang menganut syariat Islam seperti Malaysia menurutnya juga bisa dijadikan contoh. Disana, meski aturan Islam dijalankan dengan ketat, wanita malah tidak boleh duduk menyamping. "Karena selain syariat, mereka juga memikirkan unsur keamanannya," kata Jusri.

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Best Regards :

Selvi Aldriani – 0817.487.0850

R&D and Technical Advisor

PT. Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi






Thursday, January 3, 2013

'repair, replace or cash' - disputes about how insurance claims are settled

issue 92

February / March 2011

'repair, replace or cash' – disputes about how insurance claims are settled

We frequently see complaints where an insurer has agreed to settle a claim – but wishes to do so in a way that the policyholder considers inappropriate.
The insurer may, for example, offer to repair a damaged item when the policyholder wants instead to receive a replacement. In other instances, the insurer agrees to a replacement but insists that it is obtained from a specific retailer.

Our selection of case studies illustrates the types of complaints brought to us and the way in which we have resolved them. Our approach to such disputes has not changed over the years – and we outline here the general principles we follow.

Most household policies now provide 'new-for-old' cover but leave it to the insurer (not the policyholder) to decide whether the claim should be settled by repair, replacement, reinstatement or cash settlement. Where a case is referred to us, we consider whether the insurer has exercised this power reasonably, in the circumstances of the individual case.

Where insurers opt for repair, we consider whether they have explained the implications of any choices made by either party. If the repairer is chosen by the insurer – or its agents (such as loss adjusters) – we are likely to conclude that the insurer will be responsible for ensuring any deficiencies in the repair are put right. If the policyholder has insisted that a particular repairer should carry out the work, then we are likely to conclude that the policyholder will be responsible for the quality of that work.

This does not mean that every repairer who has provided a policyholder with an estimate will be regarded as the policyholder's chosen contractor. We have considered complaints where the insurer told the policyholder to obtain estimates and the policyholder sought the loss adjuster's assistance in doing this. In these circumstances, we are likely to conclude that it is the insurer, rather than the policyholder, who is liable for any shortcomings in the work.

Even if the policyholder chose the repairer entirely independently, we are likely to conclude that the insurer is responsible for rectifying deficiencies in the work if it (or its agents) 'controlled' the repairer, for example by requiring the repairer to cut costs or to use certain materials or parts. In those circumstances, the repairer can no longer be regarded as the policyholder's 'agent'.

Where insurers opt for replacement, we consider whether a reasonable replacement can be obtained in the way the insurer has proposed. If, for example, the item concerned is jewellery that is antique or specially-commissioned, then we are likely to conclude that it would be unfair for the insurer to insist on the policyholder buying a modern substitute from a major high-street retailer. In such cases, we usually conclude that policyholders should be allowed to choose where they purchase a replacement and are entitled to a cash settlement (without the deduction of any discount) if they are unable to find an acceptable replacement.

Where a reasonable replacement can be obtained from a high-street retailer, insurers often specify which one – because they have a discount arrangement with that particular retailer. We are likely to conclude that this is reasonable if the consumer lives within easy travelling distance of that retailer – and the retailer can provide a reasonable replacement. Similar issues arise if the insurer offers vouchers that can only be exchanged for goods sold by a particular retailer.

Sometimes, policyholders prefer to have a cash settlement even though there is no practical reason why they could not visit the insurer's preferred retailer – and that retailer is able to provide a reasonable replacement. In such instances we will not usually consider it unreasonable for the insurer to deduct from the cash settlement any discount it would otherwise have obtained from the retailer.

Source :


Best Regards :

Selvi Aldriani – 0817.487.0850

R&D and Technical Advisor

PT. Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi






Insurance Disputes

Source :

Insurance disputes often arise as a result of insurance companies interpreting policies to minimize their required payment.

The Insurance Disputes practice section was established at Morgan & Morgan in response to an increase in the denial of valid insurance claims by the insurance industry. This issue can occur with many different types of insurance, including Car Insurance and Homeowner's Insurance. We provide the legal counsel and support staff that is absolutely necessary for the client to fully understand his or her rights and obligations under the insurance policy and make the most informed decision. We have substantial experience in insurance litigation and interpretation of insurance policies and can assist you in obtaining the money owed under the policy.

We all like to assume that insurance companies will honor their obligations when a valid claim is made.

Unfortunately, they often interpret policies to minimize the required payment. In other situations, insurance providers simply refuse to pay because they have a self-interest not to; payments reduce the cash reserves that insurance companies must maintain. Maintaining those cash reserves costs the insurer money, reducing profit or requiring premiums to be raised. In catastrophic situations like hurricanes or fires, the insurance companies have a financial interest not to offer compensation. An experienced insurance law attorney can help you fight a refusal to pay a claim. We can assist you in understanding the terms and conditions of your policy and completing a proper claim under the policy. If your valid claim is denied, we will file suit and litigate through trial on your behalf.

We will represent individuals involved in a dispute over insurance coverage outlined by almost any insurance policy.

If an insurance company refuses to pay your claim, denies payment, or offers an insufficient amount, we will represent you to reinforce the insurance company's obligations. You should never have to represent yourself against an insurance company or accept an unfair settlement offer. We have litigated and successfully represented clients in claims against most of the largest insurance companies in the United States. If the case requires tough negotiation or aggressive litigation, we will see to it that you are fairly treated and compensated by the insurance company.

Our insurance litigation practice is very broad.

Within the Insurance Disputes section, we have further divided our practice into Homeowners and Business Property Losses due to hurricane, wind, rain, fire, and other natural causes, Bad Faith and Unfair Claims Handling, Disability Insurance, ERISA Claims, Professional Liability Coverage, Errors & Omissions Coverage (E&O), Personal Insurance Protection, and Uninsured Motorist Coverage. We can also help you with your Life Insurance Dispute or Medical Billing Insurance Dispute. In many cases, an insured who prevails is entitled to recover the attorney's fees and other incurred costs from the insurance company.

The initial consultation with one of our insurance dispute attorneys is always free, and we welcome the opportunity to speak to you even if you are uncertain whether you have a valid claim.



Best Regards :

Selvi Aldriani – 0817.487.0850

R&D and Technical Advisor

PT. Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi






Insurance Disputes - 2

Source :

Insurance Disputes

Disputes relating to insurance claims are increasingly common, and, for individuals and businesses, contesting a situation where an insurer will not pay out or offers a sum lower than the loss suffered can be daunting, as insurers have the financial resources to dispute or delay any claim.

The term insurance disputes can also include miss-selling of insurance policies, typically payment protection insurance (PPI). Our Insurance claims team has experience of dealing with a wide variety of situations and claims, and most importantly, we know how to convince Insurers to take your position and claim seriously. In some instances, the insurer will try to argue that the insurance claim isn’t covered by the terms of the insurance contract and interpretation of the terms of the contract can be dealt with in much the same way as other contract disputes.

Our specialist insurance claims lawyers are also experience in dealing with referrals to the insurance Ombudsman. Such a referral can be frustrating as the Ombudsman’s powers are limited, but referral can be a useful tactical measure. Mediation, arbitration or Alternative Dispute Resolution  may also be available and/or required by the insurance contract. Generally, for all the above reasons and not least costs and risk, use of the Courts are a last resort.

Additional advice is available on oyther parts of this site relating to business disputes and our microsite alos covers commercial litigation together with ancillary topics such as without prejudice negotiations.

If a formal Court claim becomes necessary there are 3 basic possibilities, as follows :

  • ask the Court to make a “Declaration” as to the meaning of a disputed part of the contract
  • either replace lost, stolen or damaged items or have work undertaken at your own cost and then sue the insurer for the cost of it (but always obtain a number of independent quotes and full receipts), or
  • make a claim for specific performance where the Court is asked to make the insurer stick to the terms of the contract. This option is rarely used because such an application has to be made in the High Court, is expensive and the outcome uncertain.


If you have been sold Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) when you took out a mortgage, loan, credit card or store card, you may be able to claim back some or all of the premiums. You may have purchased PPI without actually realising it, such has been the extent of the mis-selling of the product.

There are some basic criteria for investigating a claim, which are:

  • whether the PPI policy started within the last six years
  • The policy started over six years ago but you are still using it or it ended within the last six years
  • the policy ended over six years ago but you still have the paperwork

If any of these circumstances apply to you, please contact us for an immediate, no obligation assessment.



Best Regards :

Selvi Aldriani – 0817.487.0850

R&D and Technical Advisor

PT. Dian Makmur Jaya Abadi